In June, Google introduced virtual try-on models to some clothing product shopping results. When it first launched, Google said it used AI to generate models that can try on clothes for you. The goal is to have a model that looks like you. Now, Google has added the virtual height of that AI-generated model.
Shameem Adhikarath noticed this little update to the try-on models in Google Search. He wrote on X, "Google has mentioned the model's height also." I am able to replicate it, here is a screenshot:
Here is a GIF of it in action:
Here are more examples from Shameem Adhikarath:
Update: Google has mentioned Model's height also.
— Shameem Adhikarath (@shemiadhikarath) December 30, 2023
Also, I think virtually try-on is now available for multiple brands.
cc: @rustybrick
I guess knowing the model's height is useful for picking out clothing.
Forum discussion at X.